Keeping Momentum
Over the years, El Sol students’ test scores have increased exponentially.
Constant improvement shows that our students continuously strive to be better. This year we have achieved “green”, the second highest achievement level on the California Dashboard.
A School and a Home
The majority of students returned to El Sol this year. Our community believes in the El Sol mission.
Defying the Odds
English Language Learners are typically underserved. However, that is not the case at El Sol.
Since El Sol uses a dual language curriculum and nearly half of our students’ primary language is Spanish, it is our objective that students constantly improve upon their English language proficiency. Our recent test results have shown an upward trend. Overall, El Sol students both meet and exceed the performance of similar peers at an impressive rate.
View Progress
The California Department of Education recently adopted a new accountability and improvement system that provides information about how schools, including El Sol Academy, are meeting the needs of different student groups. See to the right to view our results. We have also created a comprehensive report of the 2017-2018. Please click the link to the right to see our new developments.